Soul Songs
Soul Songs are sacred transmissions, sung in Light Language and channeled just for you. Each one is uniquely attuned to your energy, carrying frequencies of love, healing, and remembrance. These songs serve as activations and vibrational keys that unlock deeper connection to your soul, guiding you home to your truest essence.
Let the sounds wash over you, awakening ancient wisdom within and aligning you with the divine flow of your being.
What can you expect from a Soul Song:
opens and activates your heart and reminds you of your true nature
activates your connection to your soul
gives you comfort, strength and clarity on your soul path
calms down the nervous system bringing you back in alignment with your true self
supports you in releasing what no longer serves
gives you a feeling of being held and nurtured
provides you with your own unique soul song or medicine for you in this moment in time for you to come back to whenever needed
If you so choose to receive a Soul Song:
you can either set the intention for the soul song, it can be for something you wish to release, or alternatively something you want to invite into your life OR allow your Soul to guide what needs to be heard
I will then create a sacred space and tune into your energy and your highest potential. I then create a healing field that transcends space and time. It is here in this sacred container that I will channel the song and any other information that serves you best to support you on your journey.
your healing transmission will be recorded and sent to you via a private download link on Dropbox where the file will be stored for 4 weeks. You can however, download your file and listen to anywhere you want to eg in nature or in the comfort of your own home. The best part is that you can listen to your Soul Song anytime you choose to.
It is important to note that your Soul Song may evolve over time. As you integrate the energies and activations channeled within it, you may find that the profound shifts you once experienced begin to settle. This is a natural part of your soul’s journey.
When this happens, it may be a sign that you are ready for a new Soul Song - one that carries fresh and elevated frequencies, new wisdom, and deeper alignment for where you are now. Each song is a reflection of your ever-unfolding and ever-evolving path, supporting you as you continue to expand and transform.
Trust in the rhythm of your soul’s evolution xXx
AUD $77
I have been channelling light language since the age of 15. This is such an intrinsic part of who I am. When I first asked about the language, I was told by Mother Mary that 'When in prayer and you can no longer find the human words to match your vibration (because your vibration has transcended this physical world) then this language will be gifted to you. It is the language of the angels.' So although Light Language has been getting much publicity lately, it is something that I have used for myself for more than half of my life in times of absolute joy, in times of uncontrollable sadness and grief and for everyday use. This is the language I use when I want to converse with my guides and with the Divine. This is the language that courses through my soul and veins and it would be an absolute honour to tune into your Higher Self, Your Soul and sing Your Song to you xXx
Some of the Feedback From Beautiful Clients Who Have Received Soul Songs
What is Light Language
Light Language is a multi dimensional language that I believe is understood by all on a soul level. It speaks directly to your heart, you soul and to your DNA.
Light Language can be used for amazing initiations clearings, activations, alignments, healings and so much more. It can do this as it is a multi-layered stream of information. It is not limited to linear time and may have several origins eg angelic, galactic, elemental etc
The frequency of Light Language bypasses all other systems or beliefs and is absorbed into the energy field in its original format. It's pretty cool stuff!
Light Language mostly cannot be translated word for word as it is a deeply layered alchemical transmission of information. This is a language you truly do feel and translate with your heart.
I have been channelling Light Language since the age of 15. It is such an intrinsic part of who I am. When I first asked about the language, I was told by Mother Mary that 'When in prayer and you can no longer find the human words to match your vibration (because your vibration has transcended this physical world) then this language will be gifted to you. It is the language of the angels.' but as mentioned above, there are many different languages that can be channelled in Light Language.
For myself personally, I use Light Language in times of absolute joy, in times of uncontrollable sadness, in grief, for my healing and for everyday use.
Following is a link to a Light Language transmission I channelled on 6 March 2020 so that you can hear what this can potentially sound like.
If this sounds like something you are interested in, please Book in Here