Soundscapes For Your Soul
Imagine yourself surrounded in a cocoon of sound. Held in the tones and vibrations. Each cell of your body responding to the frequency of the sound, healing and repairing itself while you sink into a blissful state of peace ~ Welcome to Soundscapes for Your Soul.
Vibrational sound therapy can help to:
retune your body, mind and spirit
encourage relaxation, healing and wellness
reduce stress
reduce pain
ease blockages and tension
reduce depression and anxiety
improve sleep
improve immunity
boost creativity
improve concentration
balance and harmonise the energy fields (aura) and chakras
lower blood pressure
heighten intuition and perception
synchronise the brain hemispheres
This one-on-one service uses singing bowls that are placed around and sometimes on the body to create a combination of tones and vibrations that produce a state of tranquility and acts as a massage for the nervous system.
How Does it Work?
Everyone has their own unique vibration. This vibration is a natural result of the processes that runs our physical bodies as well as our mental, emotional and subtle bodies and can therefore be a reflection of our health and wellbeing. Now if we think of our body as a musical instrument, we can fall out of tune or rhythm with our vibration and therefore out of vibrational harmony with our body which can lead to the potential of developing illness.
Sound and vibration can be used to re-tune us to health by bringing us to a state of relaxation within the body that allows balance, health and happiness to be restored within the body, mind and emotions. When there is a deep relaxation through soothing, resonant sound, the body is affected on a cellular level, opening up the flow of energy to move us back towards the vibrational alignment with health.
Sound can help us shift our energy frequency from a lower to higher one by removing the lower frequencies of emotions such as fear, anger, and resentment. When we use sound coupled with intention, we can direct sound vibration to raise the body’s vibrational frequency; as our body is about 65 percent water, when the singing bowl is struck next to, or on the body, the vibration creates a mandala or pattern within the body which is healing and relaxing and assists with bringing the us back into alignment with our own unique vibration of health and healing.
– Adapted from the Introduction to How to Heal with Singing Bowls, by Suren Shrestha, pages 13-15
“Sound healing balances and clears the mind and leads to a renewed sense of purpose, well-being, calm ad happiness.”
~ Susy Markoe Schieffelin, Sound Healer
What to Expect From a Soundscape Session
During a soundscape session, you will lie down on the floor on a yoga mat and cuddle up with a cozy blanket. You will then simply close your eyes and listen to the bowls being played around and on you and "bathe" in the soothing sounds and vibrations. The sound frequencies then does its magic by slowing down your brain waves to a deeply restorative state. This helps to activate the body’s natural restorative system of self healing.
Like with most alternative healing modalities and meditative practices, everyone's experience is different, and new things may come up in each session. Most people will feel very relaxed and peaceful during a sound healing; some might have visualisations, receive creative downloads, or have an emotional breakthrough. You may find that you drift off into a space where you are not quite awake and yet not asleep. You may feel as though you are floating through time and space or you may feel completely energised after a session. Please know that whatever your experience is, it is perfect for you and just because it feels one way in one session, does not mean that that is how it will always feel as each experience is unique.
I am pleased to offer you some beautiful packages for these Soundscapes to help work on specific issues and allow you to journey through a beautiful and connected and co-created experience.
Package 1: Heart Scape
~ 4 x sessions with first session having a 20 mins consultation
~ each session will be 45 mins long
~ package cost: $400
Package 2: Diamond Scape
~ 8 x sessions with the first having a 20 mins consultation
~ each session will be 45 mins long, with at least 30 mins of sound healing
~ package cost: $800
Please note, you can also book in for a one off session at a cost of $111 for 45 mins.