The Crystal Whispers

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It is said that if we silence the mind we can hear the whispers of our heart, of our soul, of God, of the trees and the wind; therefore if we silence the mind, we can hear the whispers of the crystals.

Join me on this 12 month journey where we will explore a different crystal, honour, listen and breathe in its wisdom, its healings, its whispers.



Do you know Lapis Lazuli? Have you worked with it before? What messages did it reveal to you?

Lapis Lazuli is a beautiful dark blue crystal that is normally found with pyrite and calcite. Lapis Lazuli is a universal stone of truth and wisdom and has been used for centuries by kings, queens, pharaohs etc

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Carnelian is an Orange-Red form of Chalcedony. Carnelian's colour can vary from pale orange to deep orange-red. Sometimes it is banded in
varying shades. It is mainly opaque but some pieces can be quite transparent and red in colour, holding light deep within them.

Carnelian has a history of being a stone that would protect its wearer from negative emotions. In Ancient Egypt they were used in magical rituals as protection for both the living and the dead.

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Clear Calcite is a colourless, transparent variety of calcite. It is most frequently found in a rhombohedral crystal as in the picture here. It was originally discovered in Iceland and is sometimes known as Iceland Spar, but is also found in Mexico and other localities.

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Rhodonite was first discovered in the Ural Mountains of Russia in the 1790’s near the village of Maloe Sidelnikovo. The locals called it orletz,
“the Eagle Stone,” after noticing eagles in the region carried small pieces of Rhodonite to their nests. Soon after, the inhabitants began placing
small pieces of the stone in their babies’ cribs, in hopes their children would grow as strong and free as the great eagle.

It later became customary to give Rhodonite to travellers as a protective stone, believing it would make the traveller's heart beat faster if danger approached.

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Apatite is usually found as a blue/green mineral with some white impurities in it. In Atlantian times, the high quality blue pieces were very sacred and used as a powerful communication piece between humanity
and the Devic kingdom.

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There are a number of legends surrounding rose quartz and its powers of love and reconciliation. In one Greek legend, Adonis, who was Aphrodite’s lover, was attacked by Ares while he was in the
shape of a wild boar. Aphrodite, fearing for her lover, ran to his aid and in the process caught herself upon a briar bush. Her blood mingled with
Adonis’ and together it stained the white quartz pink. Later Zeus took pity on them and brought Adonis back for six months every year, thus helping rose quartz become a symbol of love renewed.

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Elestial Quartz is also called Skeletal, Alligator and/or Jacare quartz (Jacare means Alligator in Portuguese, some Elestials present a patterning or formation that is similar to that of alligator skin).

It is said that these crystals are gifts from the Angelic Realms and have been birthed on Earth in order to assist with the mass cleansing, healing
and reawakening that is happening at this very moment. With them they bring strength, particularly in overcoming human emotional burdens.

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Amethyst is an incredibly beautiful crystal that is well known throughout the world but did you know that Amethyst has been prized for centuries and is included in royal collections all over the world, from ancient Egypt to the British crown jewels and that it was once valued the same as diamonds? That is of course until we started finding more and more amethyst throughout the world and it became readily available to everyone. 

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Mookaite is from the Jasper family and is found only in Western Australia, it gets its name from the Mooka Creek in the Kennedy Ranges in the Carnarvon Basin of Western Australia, where it is found, around 1000km north of Perth
Local legend says the word “mooka” is from the indigenous people & means “running waters”. 

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