Morning Musings - Bend The Air

Morning Musings On This Beautiful Day

Bend The Air

I read a caption incorrectly but maybe it was perfect! To me is said “Bend The Air” I actually cannot even tell you what the real caption was but it got me thinking, ‘how do we bend the air and can we even do such a thing?’ I sat and closed my eyes breathing in deeply and feeling the air around me, expanding my field and contracting it and seeing how the air feels around me and then I realised ‘oh, we do this all the time without even realising’. We are constantly bending the air with our mood and emotions and with our state of being.

If you think of it when irritated our energy gets spiky! When happy and secure and content it is smooth; when feeling a little out of sorts, it can actually feel a bit wobbly or rippley; creating even more of a bending effect than us simply being in good state of mind or being (to reference our energetic field when good is usually quite smooth and almost egg shaped, it radiates out around) So really in any given state of being, from content and placid to having big emotions or even being sick our smooth energetic field becomes a little distorted and “bends the air” in a different way and this “bending of the air” can allow us to know when someone is entering the space and we can (if we are in tune) tell what sort of mood or health or state of being the person who is entering the space is in before they even do so. Pretty cool hey.

And I know we all know this on some level but I had never thought of it as bending the air and I really love that terminology in these terms and think I’ll be using it from now on. There is so much more to say on this topic as my mind is whirling with ideas and inner knowings and downloads but for now we leave his here.

So I guess the only answer left to ask is “how do you wish to bend the air today?”

Sending you all lots of love

Deena xXx