New Year, New Word, New Theme.....maybe?

Happy New Year!

I am not the type of person to make resolutions, I never have been, I tried a couple of times but I always ‘failed’ pretty soon after they were made and then I felt like crap so I gave up on them pretty quickly and instead just focussed on what type of person I wanted to be for the year, kind, generous, loving etc you get the idea.

This has evolved into me choosing a word that reflects the main lesson or idea of how I want to live my life for the year ahead. My word last year was TRUST and the Universe provided me with many ways to build trust within myself and with others and with the Universe itself. It was a remarkable year of learning and tending to my wounds and loving them and myself while I healed.

This year my word is EMERGE and I am truly excited to see what magic the year ahead holds.


You might be wondering how I came about my word for the year. It’s pretty easy and anyone can do it. I thought about 2018 and the overall feeling I had throughout the year and the lessons I learnt. I thought about what worked for me and what didn’t work and I sat with all of those feelings for a while, the good, the bad, the ugly, the joyous, the magical, the loving feelings…..I sat with them all and allowed myself to feel them all and give gratitude to them and when I felt complete with this stage, I allowed myself to imagine how I want to feel in 2019, all the things I want to accomplish for this year, in my personal life, my business life, my financial life, my family life; in every aspect of my life and as I was dreaming up this life for me I was shown how in 2018 I was in a cocoon, going through a metamorphosis of sorts, a healing and the more I dreamed up what I wanted my life to be like, the more I could feel myself coming out of this cocoon, emerging and spreading my wings. Funnily though, the word came to me days later as I only just saw this vision while in meditation.

If you have not done so as yet or have never thought of finding a word/theme for your year ahead I would encourage you to try it out. Please know there are no hard rules on this, you can have a phrase, you can have more than one word even! It is entirely up to you. You might even have chosen a theme or word for last year and you feel you have not completed it. It just feels incomplete…….guess what? You can have that word again as your word for this year! Listen to Your SOUL, it will let you know what it is you are needing.

So here are my simple steps:

  1. find some quiet time to yourself and centre yourself

  2. look back on 2018 and take stock of all that occurred in it. The good , the bad, the incredible, the ugly and the magical and find their lessons. You may want to write this all down.

  3. give thanks to 2018 for those lessons - they helped you on your way

  4. think about how you want to feel in 2019

  5. start to imagine and dream your life in 2019

  6. allow your word or theme to come through. Listen to YOUR SOUL

  7. write it down! What does this word mean to you?

  8. you can create a vision board with this word in the centre or on the top

  9. live your life to the fullest. Throughout the year come back to this word, ask yourself if your actions are contributing towards it

  10. Create Magic!

I hope this has helped and that you can find your perfect word/theme/phrase for the year.

Whats your word

The Power of Words

I had an experience a while back that really got me thinking. I won't lie, this took me a bit by surprise and made me even doubt in myself a little. The thing is, I don't even think that this beautiful soul realised the words she spoke and I am certain she didn't realise the effect it had on me BUT once I realised that these were just my fears cropping up, I could then use my techniques to help resolve them within myself.  

I then objectively looked at the words and the emotions that were used in this interaction. This is something I discuss with my clients and children all the time, the power of words and thought I would share my insights.

Words are very powerful instruments.

We use them to communicate with others and with ourself.

The words we use are used by the Universe to mould and create awareness and our reality. 

Stop and think about that for a moment......your words create and mould your reality. That's powerful stuff man!

Words Create Our Reality


Words are agreements.

Words are used to express ideas or feelings.

Words have the power to encourage and the power to destroy.

The meaning of words is not absolute and is always open to personal interpretation and to the interpretation or perception of the human consciousness. With this in mind, I tend to carefully choose my words when speaking with someone whether it be a friend, my children, my partner or a client. I know that not only my words but also the emotion behind them and the interpretation in the human consciousness can affect how my words are received by another.

You might be thinking, "but their reaction is theirs not mine and I should not have to change who I am and anyway, isn't it all Divine and maybe it is a good thing for their reaction to come up for their own self development?" and to this I say yes, I totally agree with you, that feeling might have to come up to be healed so that that person can learn some self-love BUT I do believe that when you speak with love even if the words are firm, the vibration of love is always felt and I firmly believe that the same holds true if you speak in fear or in anger. When a message is received in fear or anger it can totally derail someone and negatively affect their self-esteem (and this is what happened to me, the vibration of fear was in the words that were spoken to me)


When a message is received in a loving, respectful way it encourages growth and self-realisation.

There is a vast difference between the two and I would like to suggest that the question/s you need to ask yourself are "What do I want to leave the person with?", "Do I want to build them up and inspire them?", or even How can I be of service to this being?" Your words have the ability to take someone on a powerful, transformative healing journey and your words also have the power to affect exactly how someone's journey is experienced. 

Words are singularly the most powerful force available to humanity. We can choose to use this force constructively with words of encouragement, or destructively using words of despair. Words have energy and power with the ability to help, to heal, to hinder, to hurt, to harm, to humiliate and to humble.
— Yehuda Berg

A point to note is that this goes with self-talk as well. How we speak to ourselves, how we present our wants in this world is also affected by the language we use. You might be thinking I would like a loving relationship where we hold, repect, cherish and nurture each other BUT you might actually be saying out loud, I want a relationship where I am taken care of. Do you see the difference? Being taken care of implies that you either cannot take care of yourself or you are not willing to take responsibility for yourself. 

My belief is that we must speak with each other and ourselves in a mindful way; a way that is respectful; a way that is gentle, humble, loving and honest. If we can all be mindful in conversations with each other then we can make this world just that much more beautiful. 

With Love and Blessings

Deena xXx