Light Language

You have probably heard the term Light Language before and have wondered what it is all about. Well here is a little info I put together on it:

Light Language is a multi dimensional language that I believe is understood by all on a soul level. It speaks directly to your heart, you soul and to your DNA.

Light Language can be used for amazing initiations clearings, activations, alignments, healings and so much more. It can do this as it is a multi-layered stream of information. It is not limited to linear time and may have several origins eg angelic, galactic, elemental etc

The frequency of Light Language bypasses all other systems or beliefs and is absorbed into the energy field in its original format. It's pretty cool stuff!

Light Language mostly cannot be translated word for word as it is a deeply layered alchemical transmission of information. This is a language you truly do feel and translate with your heart.

I have been channelling Light Language since the age of 15. It is such an intrinsic part of who I am. When I first asked about the language, I was told by Mother Mary that 'When in prayer and you can no longer find the human words to match your vibration (because your vibration has transcended this physical world) then this language will be gifted to you. It is the language of the angels.' but as mentioned above, there are many different languages that can be channelled in Light Language.

For myself personally, I use Light Language in times of absolute joy, in times of uncontrollable sadness, in grief, for my healing and for everyday use.

Following is a link to a Light Language transmission I channelled on 6 March 2020 so that you can hear what this can potentially sound like.

If you have any queries about Light Language or you would like a personal song channelled for you, contact me here or you can read some more information about it here.

Sending You So Much Love

Deena xXx

P.S. This Light Code pictured below, is one that I created that depicts to me the energy of a channelled Light Language transmission.


Morning Musings.............Love is a Battlefield???

I woke up this morning with the song "Love is a Battlefield" in my head and I thought to myself 'is it really?'

You see my husband and I have been going through some challenging times so I understand why this was playing in my head when I woke up but as I walked outside and kissed my cherubs good morning and patted my pup Amber and as I gave and received loved I thought to myself again, "Is it really? Is LOVE really a battlefield because right now, in this moment, it is easy and pure" and as I felt into this I knew I was right; Love is Love; Love is Easy and Pure! 

Love is Love.png

So if Love is Love and Easy and Pure, why does it sometimes feel like a battlefield?? the answer came to me and it was so simple, it is our thoughts which create emotions which complicate it and turn it into a battlefield! Simple right?

The trick therefore is to get out of our heads, to release the thoughts and to stop perpetuating the battle. LET IT GO! LET IT GO! LET IT GO! This doesn't mean to roll over and float around with the tide, it means to stand in your power, reclaim it and let go of the negative thoughts that create the negative emotions because when you do this you can feel and see the answers to whatever it is that is weighing on you.

So my loves, clear your head so that you can allow your HEART and your SOUL to speak to you. Quiet your mind and listen to your heart, feel and see what your heart desires and work towards that.

I invite you now to take off your armour

  • Take a deep breath in and on the exhale let it go; let it all out! Let out all of those pre-conceived ideas of what should be. 
  • Take another deep breath in and this time on the exhale let go of the armour that is around your heart, let it melt away, let it burn off, let it explode off, rip it off with your bare hands. It is time my loves to take it off for you are not in a battle.
  • Take one more deep breath in and I want you to feel that air flowing through your being, through your lungs and entering your heart. On the exhale feel your heart fully open and expand while simultaneously releasing any of the last remnants of what is making way for what could be

So much love to you all beautiful Spirit Weavers

Deena xXx


Love, Love, Love, Love; Crazy Love!

Love is the most powerful emotion there is but, can you define love? What does love actually mean? The meaning quite possibly changes from person to person and definitely changes from relationship to relationship eg mother to daughter; partner love; sibling; friendships etc.

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The ancient Greeks used 7 words to define the different states of love:

Storge: natural affection, the love you share with your family. 

Storge is the effortless love that parents have for their children.  It is characterised by acceptance, forgiveness, and sacrifice. Through this love, children come to understand comfort, nurturing, security, and safety.


Philia: the love that you have for friends.

Philia is connected to companionship, trust, and friendship and most often exists when values are shared and feelings are mutually reciprocated. The Greeks considered Philia to be love among equals. It is free from physical attraction and has more to do with loyalty or a sense of team.


Eros: sexual and erotic desire kind of love. 

Eros is sexual desire in its purest form. Eros is both intense, consuming, and yet also quick to fade. Relationships built only on this form of love do not tend to last, which provides immense insight into the many short-lived relationships in our society that glamorises Eros.


Agape: this is the unconditional love, or divine love. 

Agape is what we feel for humanity, Mother Earth, and the Divine. We tap into Agape most easily through meditation, time in nature, and following our intuition while walking our spiritual path. Agape is given without expectation of anything in return.  The Greeks considered Agape, the highest form of love. It is bigger than our individual selves, free from desire and expectations, and exists despite shortcomings. It is connected to All That Is. 


Ludus: this is playful love, like flirting.

Imagine the early stages of falling in love or the playfulness that exists between new lovers.  It’s characterized by teasing, euphoria, flirting, and butterflies in the stomach. Despite the emphasis on what is new, long-term relationships need Ludus as well. It’s the secret ingredient to keeping love fresh and exciting.


Pragma: long standing love. The love in a married couple.

Pragma is love that has had time to age and develop over time. Pragma has transcended the casual and moved beyond the physical. There is an easy harmony and balance. Unlike Storge, Pragma requires effort from both parties. It is the art of learning compromise, developing patience, and being tolerant. It is characterised by duty, respect, admiration, compromise, and working toward common goals.


Philautia: the love of the self 

Our sense of belonging and purpose come from Philautia.  It is the self-love and self-worth needed to believe in ourselves so that we can walk our spiritual path. Philautia can be either healthy or unhealthy.  The unhealthy variety is connected to hubris and narcissism. It focuses on fame, wealth, and pleasure.  The healthy form of Philautia teaches us that we must learn to love ourselves first in order to truly love others; nor can we care for each other before we learn to do that for ourselves. The Greeks believed that the only way to true happiness was to learn unconditional love for yourself. It is the most direct way to experience spiritual freedom in this life.



Imagine just for a moment, if we as a society learnt and understood the 7 different types of love or states of love. We learnt how each state of love feels. How beautiful would the world be. When we can be aware of the types of love that exists. How beautiful to be able to define the love we have for someone with one simple word and that person understand exactly what you mean. 

Love is complex but not complicated (we make it complicated); Love is something that we all yearn for, it is what we are made of, it is what we thrive on and it is what we risk a lot for as well. Love is always incredibly juicy, exhilarating and rewarding and within every relationship, within each type of love lies an entire landscape of emotions and feelings and moments for us to savour, learn from and expand our knowledge on the depth of the word LOVE that we as a society so often throw about without really knowing the full impact of the what love actually is and without understanding the type of love that we feel for the other.

So although LOVE is LOVE, within the human word LOVE and within the emotions of LOVE there are many types of LOVE. Defining love and knowing how its different forms interact with each other and manifest in our lives is therefore vital for our development. 

So I ask you today, which types of love do you have in your life? and Do you choose and invite love into your life?


Much Love & Blessings

Deena xXx


When Tears Are All There Is

Let's be honest, sometimes life is tough. It can sometimes feel like life has taken you by the hands and then face planted you in the dirt. You are left dazed and confused and most often scared and then the tears start to flow as you try to make sense of everything that has just happened. 

Today I am here to tell you to let those tears fall. Let them fall and fall until there are no more. Allow yourself this most sacred space so that you can heal. I have found more often than not, that in these times, tears are a vital step towards healing. There is sacredness in tears and they help to cleanse the soul in the same way a rainstorm helps to cleanse Mother Earth. They help to relieve stress, anxiety, sadness and grief. In other words, they remove the debris; the tangible, forceful emotions that have pooled within so that they can be released and we can find some peace and emotional relief. They help us to think clearly once they have passed so that understanding can occur. 

The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears or the sea
— Isak Dinesen

Dr William Frey, a Biochemist and “tear expert” at the Ramsey Medical Center in Minneapolis discovered that emotional tears have special health benefits, they contain everything a normal reflex tear (98% water) does but they also contain a stress hormone which through crying gets released from the body. This explains why tears help us to feel better as they are literally removing the built up stress hormone from our bodies. It has also been noted that tears stimulate the production of endorphins, the "feel good" hormone in our body. 

No wonder why having a good cry makes us feel better!

Tears Are Healing

So the next time you feel overwhelmed and as if you need a good cry, remember this,


Allow yourself the freedom to sink into those emotions and cry those healing, cleansing tears out. 

All My Love & Blessings

Deena xXx