The Start of a New Year and New Decade!

Here it is! The start of 2020

As we cross this threshold into 2020 take the time to release, to give gratitude for all of the lessons, people, experiences, moments, life that you have lived this last year and decade and create a beautiful space within to allow all of your dreams for 2020 and beyond to settle into.

What are you ready to let go of my loves? What have you been holding onto that is no longer in alignment with you? Are you ready to release it? What beliefs, stories (oh the stories we tell ourselves) are you willing to release?

What does your heart whisper to you? What are you wanting to create for yourself and your life? Take the time to sit in your heart and really think about this. You might not have concrete ideas but you may have definite feelings you wish to create for yourself in this next decade, focus on these feelings, hold them in your heart and allow them the space and magic to come alive.

Sending You All So Much Love
From My Heart to Yours
Deena xXx

Grid for helping you to cross this threshold into this new dimension and manifest your heart’s desires with ease and grace 🙏🏼

Grid for helping you to cross this threshold into this new dimension and manifest your heart’s desires with ease and grace 🙏🏼

What does 'Being in Service' Mean

Being in Service. I hear alot of people talk about this but what does this actually mean. What does it truly mean to be in service to others?

According to the Dictionary service means

  1. the action of helping or doing work for someone.

  2. a system supplying a public need such as transport, communications, or utilities such as electricity and water.

  3. perform routine maintenance or repair work on (a vehicle or machine).

So let’s have a look at this first meaning as what I want to discuss here are how you and I can be of service to others. This is not a post about those beautiful souls who are already in service roles such as nurses or plumbers.

The action of helping or doing work for someone ~ this is pretty self explanatory and really makes you think. Most people think of service work as work that you are getting paid to do or maybe even work that you must do against your will but in this meaning, service is the act of helping someone out as well eg the act of cooking a meal for a friend who is going through trauma or grief or illness.

In this simple example, service means that you are there for your friend, providing nourishment for them at a time when they either physically or emotionally cannot provide for themselves. This is an act of service to that soul that we do so often without any thought but what if it was for a person who was wealthy and could afford to hire a chef or personal carer to take care of them if they fall on hard times? Do we then go and offer our services to them too? or do we see service as something that should only be gifted to ‘the everyday man’ or to those more in need than ourselves. I am curious to see what people think of the word service. Is it something that some pious saint does? or is it something that is as simple as holding a friend as they cry, or cleaning their house for them when they cannot, or holding the hair back for a friend who has had too much to drink (yes even this is an act of service)

What I am trying to highlight is that we so often do not recognise our actions as those as service. We so often see ourselves as not selfless beings and not beings of service when really, from day to day, we are constantly in service to each other. This my dear friends this is the meaning of humanity, brotherly love, compassion.

I’d like you to now take a moment and see how you have been of service to others throughout your life and how others have been of service to you, with this new awareness in mind. Think about how you felt both being of service to someone and receiving as well. Did it make you feel good? Did it make your heart smile or feel warm inside?

I would also like you to think of some ways that you can be more of service to others. If we as a society, stopped for a moment and did one act of service to another being everyday, this world will be so much more incredible and so much more love-filled than it already is.

From My Heart to Yours

Deena xXx

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Time To Shine

I sat at my computer to update some information on my site and thought to myself, I wonder if I have a blog in me and I have to admit that I really wasn't sure I did but as soon as I thought, I'm not sure I was given was the title......Time To Shine. So here it is.....

What does this meant to me, Time to Shine? Is it time for me to shine? Time for you to shine? Time for us all to shine? When I feel into it, it is all of them! It is simply time for us to stop hiding in the shadows and to open up our heart and our lives to the immense possibilities that lie before us. I do offer a word of caution here though as not all possibilities/opportunities are equal and therefore not all should be taken up as some will be like a test to see exactly where your resolve, trust and faith lie and others will be so sweet and so beautiful that you know from the instant it is uttered to you that you are in 100%  

So how do you know if this possibility that has been presented to you is going to allow you to shine your light in the way that feels aligned and authentic to you? You need to stop and be in the silence and allow your heart to speak to you. Allow it to send you the messages that are authentic to you. Listening to and following your heart will ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS allow you to SHINE!!

Photo by Brigitte Tohm from Pexels

Photo by Brigitte Tohm from Pexels

Here's a little exercise on how I listen to my heart, even when I am feeling overwhelmed. First of all I talk it out or write it out. I am one of those people who needs to speak or write out all of my feelings on the subject, to let all the "noise" out so that I can sit in silence and connect in with my heart. This doesn't mean that I cannot connect in before I clear the noise but I have found that this is the best way for me to be as clear as possible, as quiet as possible which makes the connection with my heart as loud as possible. When there are still emotions running around, I can only hear little whispers, when I am quiet and still I can hear the roar of my heart, its needs, desires and direction. 

To Connect In With Your Heart

  1. place your hand on your heart and take a few deep, relaxing and cleansing breaths
  2. draw your attention to your heart and feel the love you have for it building
  3. meet your heart, that Divine place within
  4. ask the question you need clarification on eg "Divine Heart of mine, is this opportunity <<Insert opportunity>>> right for me in this moment? Will this opportunity allow my heart to soar and my light to shine? Will it keep me on my path?"
  5. Wait for the answer, it may come as a feeling, as a thought, as a sound, a scent, an animal messenger or you might just know automatically what it is
  6. Once you have received your message always give thanks and send love

I know this might sound a little odd, connecting in with your own heart in this way but this is your Sacred Heart you are connecting into, your Anahata and as such, you therefore need to honour it as the sacred being it is. 

From My Heart to Yours

Deena xXx

When Tears Are All There Is

Let's be honest, sometimes life is tough. It can sometimes feel like life has taken you by the hands and then face planted you in the dirt. You are left dazed and confused and most often scared and then the tears start to flow as you try to make sense of everything that has just happened. 

Today I am here to tell you to let those tears fall. Let them fall and fall until there are no more. Allow yourself this most sacred space so that you can heal. I have found more often than not, that in these times, tears are a vital step towards healing. There is sacredness in tears and they help to cleanse the soul in the same way a rainstorm helps to cleanse Mother Earth. They help to relieve stress, anxiety, sadness and grief. In other words, they remove the debris; the tangible, forceful emotions that have pooled within so that they can be released and we can find some peace and emotional relief. They help us to think clearly once they have passed so that understanding can occur. 

The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears or the sea
— Isak Dinesen

Dr William Frey, a Biochemist and “tear expert” at the Ramsey Medical Center in Minneapolis discovered that emotional tears have special health benefits, they contain everything a normal reflex tear (98% water) does but they also contain a stress hormone which through crying gets released from the body. This explains why tears help us to feel better as they are literally removing the built up stress hormone from our bodies. It has also been noted that tears stimulate the production of endorphins, the "feel good" hormone in our body. 

No wonder why having a good cry makes us feel better!

Tears Are Healing

So the next time you feel overwhelmed and as if you need a good cry, remember this,


Allow yourself the freedom to sink into those emotions and cry those healing, cleansing tears out. 

All My Love & Blessings

Deena xXx